Mario Giachino
Mario Giachino
Versione italianaEnglish version
My music
Carmina Cantabrigiensia
Carmina Cantabrigiensia
1. Intro (The Cambridge Songs)
2. De Epiphania
3. De Luscinia.mp3
4. Carmen Christo Dictum
5. De Puero Niveo
6. Mendosa Cantilena
7. Cantilena in Heinricum III Regem Coronatum
8. De asino Alfradae
9. Diapente et Diatesseron
10. Versus ad Popponem
11. Invitatio Amicae
12. De Proterii Filia
13. Hipsipile Archemorum Plorat
14. Nenia de Mortuo Conrado II Imperatore
15. Sacerdos et lupus
16. Ad Mariam
17. Nisus Omnigeni
18. Gratulatio Reginae a Morbo Recreatae
19. De Iohanne Abbate
20. Resurrectio
21. Magister Puero
22. Veni Dilectissime
23. Eia Obsecra
ATTENZIONE: Le voci dei solisti e del coro non sono reali ma campionate e devono essere intese solo a titolo esemplificativo.
Carmina Cantabrigiensia
My second project: an opera for choir and small orchestra.
My wish was to try to music some good lyrics for a choir.
The Carmina Cantabrigiensia aka The Cambridge Songs, is a collection of 83 poems (or carmen) composed in Latin by several German-Rhenish authors between 968 and 1039, transcribed probably in South Tyrol and stored in part (Carmina from 1 to 49) in the Cambridge manuscript, of the first half of the XI century.
Them range across all genres and some parts have been subject to censorship by the ecclesiastical authorities. For example del carmen XLIX (Veni Dilectissime) remain few words, partially reconstructed in modern times.
It is believed that the Carmina Cantabrigiensia were set to music, but we've no trace of the original music. In this opera only the poems are medieval, certainly not the music, which is current and doesn't seek to get closer to the historical period in which the poems were written but only to their spirit, subject and content.
The staffing structure is simple: choir, composed of male and female voices and small chamber orchestra. Some songs are for a solo singer, one a cappella and one for solo instrument duetting with lead singer. Choices made in order to interpret, in a modern context, texts that even after a thousand years retain their original charm.
If someone decides to perform one or more of these songs, please send me the recordings, so I'll post them here: unfortunately, with the tools at my disposal, I can't simulate the choir voices with acceptable results.

In addition to the single scores, you can download the booklet (16 MB), with some explanation, lyrics and translations, or even the book (70 MB) with all the scores, the explanations, lyrics with translations and a copy of the original Cambridge's sheets.

More information about this opera thru the Carmina Cantabrigiensia pages of this website.

If you need all the scores, please contact me and I'll send you the Finale's files.
Don't forget to let me know what do you think about it!


Io sono Odisseo
Carmina Cantabrigiensia
Sailing to Byzantium
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